Epistle to the Romans Resources

Named for our favorite biblical author, this is one of the must-see sites in London. The cathedral famously survived bombings during WWII and hosted the wedding of Charles and Diana as well as the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill. So yeah, it's kind of a big deal.

The Word of St. Paul is a term for what happens when an authoritative source, other than the original author, fills in key information about a book, movie, or TV show. Yup, that sounds like Paul all right.
Movie or TV Productions

A 1981 movie starring Anthony Hopkins as Paul, in conflict with fellow apostle, Peter.

This mini-series follows the story of Paul throughout his entire life. We promise it's still "mini."

This 2005 play portrays Paul as being tricked by Peter and Mary Magdalene into seeing Jesus on the road to Damascus. Hilarity does not ensue.
Historical Documents

The beginning of Luther's masterful commentary on Romans starts with the line, "This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament." Way to play favorites, Luther.

Scholars from Yale Divinity School give a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of The Epistle to the Romans in the first of eight videos on the subject.

In the movie The Last Temptation of Christ, Jesus imagines that he survives the crucifixion and then runs into Paul preaching about him years later. It's kind of awkward.

Professor John Dominic Crossan talks about his book In Search of Paul on Fresh Air. Oh, smart people.

New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman discusses the lives of three major followers of Christ—Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene.

Check out this map of the Roman Empire with all Paul's favorite vacation spots highlighted.

Here's a page from Romans in the original Greek.

Yeah, this is neat slash creepy: a facial composite of what Paul might have looked like live and in person.

Located in his birthplace, which is now in modern day Turkey, this church dedicated to Paul hasn't held up quite as well as St. Paul's in London.