Endgame Defeat Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #4

I'll give you nothing more to eat.
Then I'll die.
I'll give you just enough to keep you from dying. You'll be hungry all the time.
Then we won't die. (1.32-35)

How do these lines capture the entire dilemma in the play? How does Clov's simple repetition of Hamm's words suggest that a sort of inner mental defeat has already taken place?

Quote #5

I can't sit.
True. And I can't stand.
So it is.
Every man his specialty.
No phone calls?
Don't we laugh?
CLOV(after reflection)
I don't feel like it.
HAMM(after reflection)
Nor I. (1.96-101)

How is the inability to laugh linked with the inability to cry? How is the failure to laugh a sign of defeat? Why is it that they laugh at Hamm's pointless question rather than his more deliberate joke?

Quote #6

I look at the wall
The wall! And what do you see on your well? Mene, mene? Naked bodies?
I see my light dying.
Your light dying! Listen to that! Well, it can die just as well here, your light. Take a look at me and then come back and tell me what you think of your light.
You shouldn't speak to me like that. (1.120-124)

What does it say about Clov that even in his fantasies he imagines that he sees his "light dying"? Once again, notice how Hamm tries to one-up Clov by pointing out that Hamm suffers more than he does.