East of Eden Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Why am I giving the money to my father? Is it for his good? No. It's for my good. Will Hamilton said it—I'm trying to buy him. There's not one decent thing about it. There's not one decent thing about me." (49.2.62)

You know how they say that there is no such thing as a selfless good deed? We haven't found one yet either. Yet despite Cal's motivations, we can see from this passage that he is trying really hard to be genuinely good and loving. Cal knows that he has taken the "easy" route in his attempts to win over his father, but all other roads seem to be blocked off. How are you supposed to just conjure up love in a person? The point is that you can't. So the ball is in Cal's court as to how he is going to deal with that rejection of love.