East of Eden Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Aron's religion inevitably took a sexual turn. He spoke to Abra of the necessity for abstinence and decided that he would live a life of celibacy. Abra in her wisdom agreed with him, feeling and hoping that this phase would pass. (38.4.12)

Poor Abra—she is down with sex, even if Aron isn't. It's also really naïve of Aron to string Abra along in a relationship when he is the one who wants to remain celibate. The point is that he can't imagine someone as "good" as Abra (we used scare-quotes because he's the one who envisions her as good) having any sexual desire, since he himself doesn't really have any. Again and again we're going to see Aron not realizing that he is not the only person in the world. Mature it is not.

Quote #5

Suddenly Aron broke down. "I want to go away. It's a dirty town."

"No, it isn't. It's just the same as other places."

"I don't belong here. I wish we hadn't ever come here. I don't know what's the matter with me. I want to go away." His voice rose to a wail. (43.3.77-79)

Wailing about the so-called dirtiness of a place like Salinas isn't exactly mature, and Aron is way too old to be throwing tantrums. What's more, he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. As Lee points out, Salinas isn't any cleaner or dirtier (dirtier in this case refers to morality, not to dustiness) than any other run-of-the-mill city. So this is not exactly an encouraging sign that Aron will do well in the real world.

Quote #6

"Well, anyway, I figured Aron needed a mother more than Cal did. And I think he always blamed his father." (44.1.20)

Abra is playing Freud here and pointing to a more G-rated version of Aron's Oedipus Complex. Clearly Aron, who is freaked out by sex in general, doesn't want to literally have sex with his mom; but she is someone he wants, in the sense that anybody wants a mother. And whose fault is it that mommy is gone? Aron's certainly not about to blame his beloved and long-lost mother, since she is everything good and a bag of potato chips as far as he's concerned, so naturally it must have been mean old daddy who sent her away.