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Early American Immigration Learning Guide: Citations

Early American Immigration Learning Guide: Citations

Sources we cite in Early American Immigration

1 David Kennedy, "Can We Still Afford to Be a Nation of Immigrants?" The Atlantic Monthly, November 1996.
2 Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition, ed. Susan Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmsted, Richard Sutch and Gavin Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), http://hsus.cambridge.org/, accessed 5 January 2009.
3 Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition, ed. Susan Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmsted, Richard Sutch and Gavin Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), http://hsus.cambridge.org/, accessed 5 January 2009.
4 Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition, ed. Susan Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmsted, Richard Sutch and Gavin Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), http://hsus.cambridge.org/, accessed 5 January 2009.
5 Michael Uschan The Transcontinental Railroad (Gareth Stevens, 2003), 27.
6 Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition, ed. Susan Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmsted, Richard Sutch and Gavin Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), http://hsus.cambridge.org/, accessed 5 January 2009.
7 United States Census Bureau, Census 2000, http://www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html, accessed 7 January 2009.
8 Thomas Paine, Common Sense (Kessinger, 2004), 13.
9 Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus," available online at: https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/historyculture/colossus.htm
10 Quoted in David Kennedy, "Can We Still Afford To Be A Nation of Immigrants?" The Atlantic Monthly, November 1996.
11 Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition, ed. Susan Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmsted, Richard Sutch and Gavin Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), http://hsus.cambridge.org/, accessed 5 January 2009.
12 Benjamin Franklin, The Political Thought of Benjamin Franklin (2003), 77.
13 Herbert Aptheker, American Negro Slave Revolts (International Publishers, 1983), 74.
14 Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition, ed. Susan Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmsted, Richard Sutch and Gavin Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), http://hsus.cambridge.org/, accessed 5 January 2009.
15 Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition, ed. Susan Carter, Scott Sigmund Gartner, Michael Haines, Alan Olmsted, Richard Sutch and Gavin Wright (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), http://hsus.cambridge.org/, accessed 5 January 2009.
16 Michael Uschan The Transcontinental Railroad (Gareth Stevens, 2003), 27.
17 Ralph Kauer, "The Workingmen's Party of California," Pacific Historical Review 13:3 (Sept. 1944), 281.
18 William Deverell, Railroad Crossing: Californians and the Railroad, 1850-1910 (U. of California, 1990), 44.
19 Andrew Gyory, Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and the Chinese Exclusion Act (UNC Press, 1998), 177.
20 Andrew Gyory, Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and the Chinese Exclusion Act (UNC Press, 1998), 3.
21 David Kennedy, "Can We Still Afford To Be A Nation of Immigrants?" The Atlantic Monthly, November 1996.
22 Justice Harlan's dissent to Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896, http://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/nclc375/harlan.html, accessed 7 January 2009.
23 Justice Harlan's dissent to Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896, http://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/nclc375/harlan.html, accessed 7 January 2009.
24 "Timeline of Immigration to US 1815-1950," Ellis Island Immigrants, Ellis Island Records, http://www.ellisislandimmigrants.org/ellis_island_immigrants.htm, accessed 7 January 2009.
25 Donnchadh Ó Corráin, "Migrants and Economic Refugees," Emancipation, Famine & Religion: Ireland under the Union, 1815–1870, Multitext Project in Irish History, University College Cork, 26 January 2006, http://multitext.ucc.ie/d/Famine#MigrantsandEconomicRefugees, accessed 7 January 2009.
26 Donnchadh Ó Corráin, "Migrants and Economic Refugees," Emancipation, Famine & Religion: Ireland under the Union, 1815–1870, Multitext Project in Irish History, University College Cork, 26 January 2006, http://multitext.ucc.ie/d/Famine#MigrantsandEconomicRefugees, accessed 7 January 2009.
27 Michael Uschan The Transcontinental Railroad (Gareth Stevens, 2003), 27.
28 Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus," available online at: https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/historyculture/colossus.htm
29 Benjamin Franklin, The Political Thought of Benjamin Franklin (2003), 77.
30 Abraham Lincoln with Don Fehrenbacher, Speeches and writings 1859-1865: Speeches, Letters, and Miscellaneous Writings, Preidential Messages and Proclamations (Library of America, 1989), 363.
31 William Deverell, Railroad Crossing: Californians and the Railroad, 1850-1910 (U. of California, 1990), 44.
32 Andrew Gyory, Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and the Chinese Exclusion Act (UNC Press, 1998), 3.