Dream-Land Resources


Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore

A website stuffed with Poe materials. Trust us, Poe fans can get pretty serious about their guy.

General Info About Poe

The website of the Poe Museum in Richmond, VA has good info about the poet and his life.


Narration and Video Based on the Poem
A video by a Poe fan. A little rough, maybe, but worth a look.


Edmund Dulac Illustration

Here's a famous illustrator's interpretation of the poem. Looks to us like an image of the Eidolon. Not bad.

Photos of the Master

A gallery of photos of Poe. Kind of fun to see the different versions, but a little sad to see how rough he looked at the end.

Historical Documents

Versions of the Poem
This page, from the Poe Society of Baltimore, links to a bunch of different versions of this poem. It's neat to see how it changed over time.