Movie or TV Productions

This version starred Anthony Hopkins, a.k.a. Hannibal Lecter, and Claire Bloom.

This Argentine version was directed by Ernesto Arancibia.

Alfredo B. Crevenna directed this Mexican version.

Made in Sweden, this version was directed by Åke Falck.

This TV version stars Julie Harris and Christopher Plummer—the dude who played Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of Music.

Here's another Swedish version, directed by Per Sjöstrand.

This version, directed by Peter Reichhardt, was made in Denmark.

Eyes tired? Listen to the audio-book version for free.

Check out that hair!
Historical Documents

Click here to read the full play for free.

You can view Ibsen's early drafts of the play here.

The New York Times is a great resource for reviews of Doll's House productions.