Divergent Chapter 36 Quotes

Divergent Chapter 36 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Eric called Al's suicide brave, and he was wrong. My mother's death was brave. I remember how calm she was, how determined. It isn't just brave that she died for me; it is brave that she did it without announcing it, without hesitation, and without appearing to consider another option. (36.53)

Here Tris is discussing her mom's sacrifice, which was truly brave (Tris thinks) because it was totally selfless. So, this seems to show an evolution in Tris's thinking about bravery. She used to equate it with selfishness, and now she equates it with quite the opposite?

I press my forehead to the wall and scream. After a few seconds I clamp my hand over my mouth to muffle the sound and scream again, a scream that turns into a sob. The gun clatters to the ground. I still see Will.

He smiles in my memory. A curled lip. Straight teeth. Light in his eyes. Laughing, teasing, more alive in memory than I am in reality. It was him or me. I chose me. But I feel dead too. (36.8-9)

After shooting her mind-controlled friend Will, Tris feels so guilty that her sentences start breaking down. A similar thing happens to her with Al commits suicide (24.9-16). Notice also the pretty severe effect of this guilt: screaming, crying, and feeling dead. Guilt is (obviously) no laughing matter.