Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Displaced Person.
Visions of America Quotes
The peacock stopped just behind her, his tail – glittering green-gold in the sunlight – lifted just enough to so that it would not touch the ground. (1.2)
Religion Quotes
Mrs. Shortly looked at the priest and was reminded that none of these people have an advanced religion. (1.3)
Language and Communication Quotes
"You better get into that barn and help Mr. Shortley. What do you reckon she pays you for?" (1.34)
Foreignness and 'the Other' Quotes
"They can't talk" Mrs. Shortley said. "Do you reckon they'll know what color even is?" (1.9)
Racism Quotes
"I heard her say 'This is going to put the Fear of the Lord into those shiftless n*****s.'" (1.32)
Warfare Quotes
"Time marches on!" (1.10)