Die Hard Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #4

ELLIS: Hans. Bubbe. I'm your white knight.

This is not Ellis's finest moment, but you can bet he thinks it is. Ellis's sense of masculinity is defined by his ability to walk into any situation and wheel and deal. But the problem here is that he's in way over his head.

Quote #5

AGENT JOHNSON: I'm Agent Johnson, this is Special Agent Johnson. No relation.

CHIEF ROBINSON: I'm, uh, I'm Dwayne Robinson, LAPD. I'm in charge here.


Chief Robinson used to be a big fish in a big pond. He introduces himself earlier on in the movie as Deputy Chief of Police Dwayne T. Robinson, and now he's shortened that a bit. It looks like when the terse, take-charge FBI guys show, his masculinity takes a hit.

Quote #6

MCCLANE: Tell her that, um, she's the best thing that ever happened to a bum like me. She's heard me say "I love you" a thousand times. She never heard me say "I'm sorry." I want you to tell her that, Al. Tell her that John said that he was sorry.

Johnny's feelin' the feels. Part of his character arc in the Die Hard storyline is learning how to get in touch with his feelings so that he can be a better husband to his wife and a better dad to his kids. It's a good thing he's got Al around to help him out.