Die Hard Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #10

MCCLANE: What the f***? Jesus. Oh, John, what the f*** are you doing? How the f*** did you get into this s***?

You've gotta hand it to McClane here. He totally admits he has no idea what he's doing from one moment to the next—it's really all about making it from one moment to the next. He unleashes this litany of swear words when he's improvising his way off the soon-to-explode roof. His best option? Rappelling via fire hose. Yeah, because that sounds super safe.

Quote #11

MCCLANE: Why'd you have to nuke the whole building, Hans?

GRUBER: Well when you steal $600 you can just disappear. When you steal $600 million, they will find you, unless they think you're already dead.

Sure, Gruber's plan is impressive for its cleverness. But we also think he deserves some serious style points.