Dead End in Norvelt Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But in a small town you have to forgive people for their faults no matter if you want to or not. (10.4)

Why do you think that this is particularly important in a small town? Why might it be different in a big city (where people mostly don't know each other)? (Although, from our experience, no matter how big the city is, you're still bound to run into your ex on laundry day.)

Quote #8

[H]elping others makes you a better person. (13.35)

Having Jack volunteer time at a hospital appears a rather odd birthday present for his parents to "give" him. What do you think his Mom is attempting to do with this gift? What is she trying to develop in Jack? And how bummed would you be if this were your only birthday present? (Luckily for Jack, it's only one.)

Quote #9

Bunny shot me a look. 'Play like you didn't hear it,' she chuffed.

'I can't,' I replied, and slowed down. 'She needs me.' (17.18-19)

Jack is learning about his responsibilities to others. Sure, he's just traded his coupon for flying in the airplane in exchange for an afternoon of playing baseball. But he's also made a commitment to helping Miss Volker. So, even though helping her threatens to disrupt his one day of fun, he recognizes and honors his duty to her. Yay, Jack!