Coraline Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Coraline? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. Which is not part of our story?

    Talking cat
    Vicious king
    Magical world
    Absent parents
    Q. For whom did Gaiman write this story?

    His wife
    His kids
    His nephews
    Himself - he was a loner
    Q. According to Coraline, what does it mean to be brave?

    Be able to speak in front of others
    Be scared but do something anyway
    Be able to dive off the diving board
    Be able to sing in front of an audience
    Q. Our story begins as Coraline moves into a(n)

    Q. Coraline's neighbors includes a strange man who doe what?

    Travels obsessively
    Trains mice
    Talks to animals
    Walks backwards