Coraline Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Coraline shook her head. "Why don't you play with me?" she asked.

"Busy," he said. "Working," he added. He still hadn't turned around to look at her. (2.50-51)

Coraline's parents are totally distracted at the start of the novel: it's pretty much their defining characteristic. Do you think Coraline handles this well?

Quote #2

"Yes, dear. Now, I think you could do with some more hair clips, don't you?"


"Well, let's say half a dozen, to be on the safe side," said her mother.
Coraline didn't say anything. (3.11-14)

Hmmm, Coraline's mom doesn't seem to be listening to her. Do you think she's ignoring her or just being an overprotective mom and getting those hair clips "just in case"?

Quote #3

"Yes," said the other mother. "It wasn't the same here without you. But we knew you'd arrive one day, and then we could be a proper family." (3.60)

In contrast to Coraline's distracted parents, the other mother emphasizes how Coraline is totally central to the family. Is she being honest? What clues do we have to answer this question?