Discussion and Essay Questions
Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching the ConstitutionTeacher Pass
Teaching the Constitution Teacher Pass includes:
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- Current Events & Pop Culture articles
- Discussion & Essay Questions
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Sample of Discussion and Essay Questions
- What was the primary aim of the framers of the Constitution in creating that document?
- Why did they think it was necessary?
- What did they hope to accomplish?
- What did they hope to avoid?
- Overall, do you think they were successful?
- Why or why not?
- Are the powers of the federal government adequately limited?
- Are those in power mindful of the fact that “the people” are the source of their power?
- How do the people assert their will?
- Other than in elections?
- To what extent does public opinion shape government? To what extent does government (the president , Congress) shape public opinion?
- Are the powers of government still adequately separated?
- Is one branch more powerful than the others?
- Is this more true for some types of issues than others? i.e., foreign versus domestic policy?
- Does the balance of power between the branches shift?
- Issue by issue? Year by year?
- What sorts of factors influence the balance of power between the branches?
- Have the separation of powers and system of checks and balances properly restrained the government?
- Or have they produced gridlock?
- If the executive was always a member of Congress’s majority party would government operate more effectively? more efficiently? less? Explain your answer.
- What evidence of federalism do you see around you?
- What responsibilities are left to the states?
- Are the states up to the job? Why or why not?
- Has the federal government encroached on these responsibilities?
- When?
- For the better or worse?