Common Sense Resources

Visit this site for a quick n' dirty bio of Thomas Paine and some links to his most famous writings.

The Thomas Paine National Historic Organization would like to invite you to drop in on their homepage and have a look around. Heck, why not kick up your feet and stay a few nights on their couch while you're at it?

This non-profit charity is completely dedicated to educating people about the life and work of Thomas Paine. They even get people to dress up and act like the guy for special events.
Articles and Interviews

This article helps make the case for why Thomas Paine was one of the most influential thinkers in modern human history. Don't you wanna know why?

What does Thomas Paine's thinking have to do with today's world? Check out this article to find out.

Want a better idea of where Paine was coming from in Common Sense? Then check out this article to fill in some of the gaps.

In case the title wasn't a giveaway, this documentary is pretty high on Thomas Paine.

According to one actor's interpretation, Thomas Paine wouldn't have thought very highly of the modern Tea Party movement.

Harvey Kaye sits down to discuss how Thomas Paine's writings helped build up the concept of the "American Dream."

Check out one of the smartest essay writers of his time lecturing on the importance of Tommy Paine. And check out the guy who's introducing the lecture. He sounds like he just ran into the lecture hall.

For when those eyes start feeling tired…

Click this link to listen to a version of Thomas Paine's extremely influential "Rights of Man." It's to the French Revolution what "Common Sense" was to the American Revolution.

Just look at that face, so full of love for democracy.

It's like they always say, "No Paine, no gain."

For those days when you're tired of arguing with someone…