Close Encounters of the Third Kind Quiz True or False

1. Roy wants to take his children to see this 1940 Disney animated classic that was re-released in both 1971 and 1978. What is it? -> Pinocchio
2. Rather than reading, "Billion and Billions Served," the sign of this American fast-food restaurant has the 1970s signage of "24 Billion Served" in the film. What restaurant is it? -> Good Burger
3. What cartoon does Roy's daughter, Sylvia, watch on a classic '70s rotary dial television? -> The Flintstones
4. What famous TV news anchorman broadcast the story about the fake toxic gas spill at Devils Tower? -> Edward Murrow
5. What brand of soda do the alien visitors raid from Barry's refrigerator? True to '70s style, they feature the classic pull tab. -> Coca-Cola
