
Take a peek at E.B. White's bio and accolades. He's got a lot!
Movie or TV Productions

This animated musical version of Wilbur and Charlotte's tale from 1973 will have you singing your heart out. Seriously, watch out: the songs are catchy!

Check out this movie version of the novel. Does it feel like an accurate rendition to you?
Articles and Interviews

Serve yourself some homemade blueberry pie and dig into this hefty interview with E. B. White. You'll get the deets on everything from White's literary career to his childhood.

Roger Angell, E. B. White's stepson, reminisces about the author. It's a super cool peek into White's life from a family member's perspective.

Check out this preview for the 2006 movie version. What could be better than Dakota Fanning as Fern and Julia Roberts' voice for Charlotte?

In the 1973 movie preview, you'll catch a glimpse at how this novel gets transformed into an animated musical. It's good singsong fun. Plus, it's like time travelling back to the earlier days of animation.

Take a listen to this report on Charlotte's Web. You'll get to hear E. B. White read snippets of the tale, which is pretty awesome.

Check out this peppy song from the 1973 movie. Better yet, set this song as your alarm and you'll always wake up on the right side of the bed.

Take a look at this Garth Williams illustration. How sweet is that?!

Here's the iconic illustration that holds the primo cover spot on copies of Charlotte's Web.