Cerberus's Conversations

Seriously, is there any way to keep Cerberus off my lawn?

Please, My Lord, my husband and I are being terrorized. We're supposed to be living in Elysium. This is supposed to be a place for the blessed dead, but Cerberus is making it more like the Dungeons of the Damned.

Hades, you really need to control your dog. He almost took a bite out of me.

Well, maybe you shouldn't be trespassing in the Underworld. You're lucky you got by him the first time you came down here.
Well, perhaps a brief conference.
Don't get too excited. Say the wrong thing, and I might just feed you to Cerberus.

Okay, who fed Cerberus a honey cake with drugs in it again? Psyche, Aeneas—I'm looking at you!
I haven't been to the Underworld in years!
Dude, you are so busted.

I'm tired of all this anti-Cerberus talk. It's just another example of the prejudice against "monsters" that is so pervasive in our society. We of the Monster-Human Alliance will not stand for such slanderous talk.
Well said.
Monsters are born to be slain by heroes. You all should be glad. It gives you a purpose in life.

For the record, if you ever try to touch my dog again, Heracles, you're going to see how monstrous I can be.
What's the big deal?