Romanticism Texts
Primary and Secondary Resources for all your Romanticism Needs
Primary Resources

This collection of illustrated poems showcases Blake's rebellious streak. The devil is a good guy here. Need we say more?

A collection of poems that grapples with many of the big Romantic themes: the sublime, nature, rebellion. And it's illustrated. How cool is that?

Blake's poem about how miserable everyone is in London during the industrial age.

Even little kids are miserable during the terrible transition to industrialization. The poor little boy in this poem has to work as a chimney sweeper, for crying out loud.

The publication of this collection of poetry by the two friends marks the official beginning of British Romanticism as a literary movement. Yes, it's that important.

Wordsworth's poem "Tables Turned" is all about how wonderful the natural world is.

Wordsworth goes to visit Tintern Abbey, an old wreck of an abbey in the Welsh country in Britain, and it leads to a bunch of deep reflections on time and nature. Surprise!

A sailor tells the spooky tale of his travels. Lots of ice, and cold, and death. Brrrr.

How wonderful is it to sit underneath the shade of a tree? Really wonderful, as Coleridge shows us in this famous poem.

Coleridge, along with his friend William Wordsworth, revolutionized poetry by making it more "conversational" and simple. We can see Coleridge doing that in this poem about a nightingale.

Boy those Romantics were emotional. Especially Coleridge, who suffered from depression (the speaker's suffering from something unpleasant in this poem).

Another famous poem by Wordsworth written in the hallmark Romantic style: simple and conversational.

Here's a great example of the "Byronic hero." Childe Harold's handsome and rebellious and he likes to party.

Lots of sublime scenery in this poem about the alps.

Thank you Mary Shelley for giving us the questionably lovable monster.

Don Juan was immortalized as the world's greatest lover by Lord Byron in this poem.

Those romantics loved ancient relics. The speaker of this poem gets all hot and bothered looking at an old Greek urn.

The speaker of this poem wants to turn into a bird and fly away into the branches. Don't we all?

Are we tired of odes yet? Nope. Here's a poem praising the wonder of wind and air.

Shelley's play about the titan who brought fire to humankind by stealing it from the gods. Based on an old Greek myth, it's all about heroism and courage.

Now we can spy on Keats' personal life in these letters. Ain't that fun?
Secondary Resources

Loads of super useful essays on all aspects of British Romanticism, including Romantic poetic language and Romanticism's relationship to revolution.

If you want a less dense, easy-to-read introduction to Romanticism, look no further than this book.

Nature is a big theme in Romantic literature, and this book untangles just how big it is.