Beauty and the Beast Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Beauty and the Beast? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What makes Beauty and the Beast so different from previous Disney cartoons?

It's a prince's story as well as a princess'.
There is no clear hero or villain.
The castle is in terrible disrepair.
Belle is just a peasant.
Q. What important fairy-tale lesson is imparted?

If you're nice to everyone and do as you're told, your dreams will come true.
The biggest, strongest man will always win.
In order to truly love someone, you must be willing to sacrifice your own needs.
Reading is for boys.
Q. What makes the songs "Be Our Guest" and "Beauty and the Beast" so unique in relation to the rest of the film?

They are musical numbers.
They were originally presented in 3D.
The songs are not performed by lead characters.
Both songs prominently feature 3D computer animation technology.
Q. From where was the bulk of the voice talent used in Beauty and the Beast pulled?

Hollywood actors.
Broadway stage performers.
Finalists from an early version of American Idol that was never actually televised.
Disney regulars who had voiced previous animated films.
Q. Why is the animation in this film unique?

All the characters had the same artistic team.
It's a combination of traditional animation and CGI.
Disney bought Pixar just so it could use its animators.
It was inspired by Who Framed Roger Rabbit.