Back to the Future Resources

Your one-stop shop for all things Back to the Future-related.

In the market for collectible lunchboxes, t-shirts, or novelty glasses? You've come to the right place.

There were some pretty awesome shooting locations used in the movie. Care to tour them, virtually or otherwise?

This site has been counting down to the day in time that Marty, Jennifer and Doc visit in the sequel, Back to the Future Part 2. That date's in the past now, but still pretty cool.
TV or Book Adaptations

Say it ain't so. Oh, yeah, they went there. An animated version of the film that lasted for two years, and that was probably generous.

Prefer to watch the movie in… word form? Here's an online novelization of the entire film. Here you will learn that some people have too much time on their hands.

Or you can read it in paperback. Fewer pictures, more depth. If that's what you're into.
Articles and Interviews

Interview with Bob Gale. Yeah, he's still alive.

Like there's anything you don't know about the movie by now.

Father meets son for the first time. Technically.

Want to see what these folks looked like in 2010? Warning: Christopher Lloyd's been losing his hair.

Don't nobody go nowhere.

Hey, if hearing about the mistakes they made will make you feel better about yourself… knock yourself out.

Check out that family resemblance.

All the dates, in one handy chart.