Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.
Literature and Writing Quotes
Now imagining it may be equally agreeable to you to know the Circumstances of my Life, many of which you are yet unacquainted with; and expecting a Week's uninterrupted Leisure in my present Countr...
Memory and the Past Quotes
I should have no Objection to a Repetition of the same Life from its Beginning, only asking the Advantage Authors have in a second Edition to correct some Faults of the first. […] However [&#...
Principles Quotes
Most People dislike Vanity in others whatever Share they have of it themselves, but I give it fair Quarter […] it is often productive of Good to the Possessor and to others that are within hi...
Education Quotes
My early Readiness in learning to read (which must have been very early, as I do not remember when I could not read) and the Opinion of all [my father's] Friends that I should certainly make a good...
Visions of America Quotes
My Brother had in 1720 or 21, begun to print a Newspaper. It was the second that appear'd in America, and was called The New England Courant. The only one before it, was The Boston News Letter. I r...
Ambition Quotes
I went however with the Governor and Colonel French, to a Tavern the Corner of Third Street, and over the Madeira he propos'd my Setting up my Business […] both he and Colonel French assur'd...
Wealth Quotes
[I] propos'd to my Brother, that if he would give me Weekly half the Money he paid for my Board, I would board myself. He instantly agreed to it, and I presently found that I could save half what h...
Religion Quotes
And now I speak of thanking God, I desire with all Humility to acknowledge, that I owe the mention'd Happiness of my past Life to his kind Providence, which led me to the Means I us'd and gave them...