Friendly Thomas The Tank Engine would not be proud. A terrifying new technological advance in transportation. A huge almost-unstoppable force. A machine that kills two people—a guard when Anna an...
Bearded Peasant Carrying a Sack
He may be bearded, and he may be carrying a sack, but this dude is definitely not bringing presents to all the good little girls and boys. He doesn't say "Ho, ho, ho." He's horrific.It may not seem...
Usually an ellipsis ("...") is used in novels to show a hesitation or a pause in dialogue, or to indicate when something is being deliberately left out of the narration. This novel is no exception�...
Frou Frou
Let it never be said that great literature doesn't have super-helpful have real-life dating tips: if your sweetie loves his or her pet, but ends up killing it because s/he pushes it too hard... run...
Art and Literature
Oooh, we love it when art uses art as a symbol. It's symbolic Inception. It's the symbolic equivalent of a matryoshka doll. It's a delicious for us lit nerds as the concept of bacon wrapped... baco...