Movie or TV Productions

A TV movie with animatronics technology. Voices of Kelsey Grammar, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Patrick Stewart.

An animated movie version of Animal Farm.

Fun fact about this 1954 adaptation: every single animal is voiced by the same guy. Talk about low budget.

Okay, we'll just be over here wondering why IMBD has classified this 1999 adaptation as "comedy" and "family."

Comprehensive revised version of the commandments, showing all tracked changes.

Squealer falls off the ladder while altering the commandments in this 1950 comic strip.

Here's the extremely restrained cover of Animal Farm's first edition.

In this 1933 photo, Orwell looks like he has a bit of the old grumpy donkey in him.

Orwell’s original preface to Animal Farm. Discusses issues of censorship.

Letters from Orwell regarding Animal Farm.

Check out Orwell's original preface. Can you see why he'd have trouble publishing it?

Here's Orwell's classic essay, "Shooting an Elephant." It's about shooting an elephant. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Everything you know is wrong: star New Yorker essayist Louis Menand upends Orwell's legacy.

This little guy would not agree with Snowball's maxim. Honestly, is this the best thing you've ever seen, or what?

Can't get enough Orwell? This site has enough to keep you occupied through a whole Russian winter.

Hm. Was it "No animal shall sleep in a bed to excess," or "No animals shall drink in sheets?" No worries: you can check out a comprehensive revised version of the commandments right here.

Brown University has a neat little online exhibition of some Orwell documents.

Even cute little piggies can't make us feel good about this 1954 animated adaptation.

Check out this 1999 version with real farm animals—and the voice of Captain Jean-Luc Picard as Napoleon. (No wonder all the animals follow him.)

We couldn't decide which of these fan renditions of "Beasts of England" we liked best.

British actress Tamsin Greig narrates Animal Farm.

The nice thing about an audio book is that you can still harvest the hay while you "read."