
Excerpts of brief critical analyses of the poem by respected scholars.

A useful collection of sites devoted to literary criticism and biographical information about Frost.

A wide selection of Frost's poems and a good biography on the poet.

A scene from a documentary about Frost, including footage of the poet speaking.

Well, there's no video of Robert Frost picking apples, so here's a video of Conan O'Brien and Mr. T spending a day at an orchard.

Audio recordings and texts of Frost's poetry, including a reading of "After Apple-Picking."

Hear how Frost read "After Apple-Picking."

Frost on the cover of Time magazine.

A photo of the elderly Robert Frost at his farm. Where are the apples?

An image of an apple orchard, with a "two-pointed ladder" that has round rungs like the one described in the poem.
Historical Documents


Noted poetry professor and Frost-o-phile Jay Parini recently published an acclaimed biography of the poet.

Frost's notebooks weren't published during his lifetime, but they now provide us with juicy details about his writing process, life, and philosophy.