A Modest Proposal Resources


Breaking Down Swift's Religious Beliefs

Religious was kind of a big deal back then.

Swift is on Twitter

If you ever wondered what Mr. Swift might say about today's satire, look no further. In latest news, he's lost his wig.

The Whole Shebang

Reading A Modest Proposal won't cost you a cent.

Movies and TV

Boneboys (2012)

It was only a matter of time before Swift's satire of cannibalism inspired a horror movie. In true Swiftian style, Boneboys is a comedy-horror hybrid.

Articles and Interviews

Swift and Pope

One of Swift's closest buddies was Alexander Pope, another heavy hitter in the eighteenth-century literary world. Here's a comparison of their work.


Colbert on Swift

Here's proof that Swift's satire holds up in the twenty-first century: Stephen Colbert reads a passage of A Modest Proposal to support Ted Turner's ideas on reducing overpopulation.

Swift Biography

More photos of Swift's famous wig than you'd ever wanted to see.


BBC's In Our Time

What does A Modest Proposal reveal about the wacky mind of Jonathan Swift? This radio program has it covered.

Project Gutenberg Audiobook

For your listening pleasure.


The Author

Check out Swift's excellent hairstyle.