1 Kings Resources

Scientists concluded from a genetic study of native Ethiopians that it is possible that the Queen of Sheba story could be historically accurate.

Scientists have dug up artifacts and evidence of a building that closely matches the Biblical description of Solomon's temple. But not everyone's convinced.

Scientists may have unearthed a portion of a huge wall that only a very rich and powerful king could have built. Was it Solomon?

Yul Brenner as Solomon and Gina Lollobrigida as the Queen of Sheba. Shall we dance?

A black-and-white epic made during the golden age of Italian cinema.

This made-for-TV movie features Vivica A. Fox as the Queen of Sheba. Yeah, we can picture that.

And this one stars Halle Berry and Jimmy Smits.

Finally, Jezebel gets her moment beneath the bright lights of Hollywood.

Multiple versions of the book of 1st Kings are available here for your reading pleasure.

Here's a cool computer animation showing what Solomon's temple might have looked like. No computer animators were enslaved during the making of this video.

Here, ABC News gives King Solomon's story from a journalist's perspective.

Have a listen to the most popular bit of Handel's oratorio Solomon (1749).

Listen to the performers of Mendelssohn's beloved oratorio discuss its value.

Catch a bird's eye view of the land Solomon lorded over during his time in Israel's driver's seat.

Is it just us, or is he dressed as Han Solo and she as Princess Leia in Jabba's Palace?

There is some scholarly disagreement as to where exactly Sheba was, but it almost certainly included this general area.

Solomon's family is already complicated enough as it is, even before his 1,000 wives.