Thankful Quotes
Gratitude with attitude.
Things to be thankful for: Kittens. Summer break. Taylor Swift ballads. Click on any thankful quote below to see it in context and find out where it falls on Shmoop's pretentious scale. We'll give you details on who said it, when they said it, and in some cases, why on earth they thought it was okay to say it.

"All the lonely Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane."Source: Blank Space | Speaker: Taylor Swift

"Am I original? Am I the only one? Am I sexual?"Source: "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" | Speaker: Backstreet Boys

"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite."Source: The Perks of Being a Wallflower | Author: Stephen Chbosky

"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure, measure a year?"Source: Seasons of Love | Speaker: Cast of Rent

"Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful."Source: The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci | Author: Leonardo da Vinci

"I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters—two beautiful, intelligent, Black young women—playing with their dogs on the White House lawn."Source: 2016 Democratic National Convention Speech | Speaker: Michelle Obama

"I was so worried I baked a whole cake. And then I ate a whole cake."Source: Broad City | Speaker: Lincoln Rice

"I'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?"Source: Doctor Who | Speaker: The Tenth Doctor

"Love fades away. But things...things are forever."Source: Parks and Recreation | Speaker: Tom Haverford

"Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time."Source: "Maybe I'm Amazed" | Speaker: Paul McCartney

"Our deepest fear is not that we are weak. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."Source: 1994 Inaugural Address | Speaker: Nelson Mandela

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities."Source: The Fault in Our Stars | Author: John Green

"There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright, Fernando."Source: Fernando | Speaker: ABBA

"Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."Source: Dr. Seuss | Speaker: Dr. Seuss