Odds of Getting In
Height: 5'4", Stats: 3 points per game, GPA: 3.0
The only time you made a basket was a complete accident, you have the hand-eye coordination of a newly born Chihuahua, and your idea of a rebound is chatting up your OkCupid matches after a messy breakup. Why are you even reading this?
Height: 5'7", Stats: 8 points per game, GPA: 2.8
You're a role player. You've been playing for a while. You like the team aspect of it, but you're not a star. It's fun. Maybe you'll play some pick up ball at an open gym when you have some free time.
Height: 5'8", Stats: 14 points per game, 8 rebounds, GPA: 3.6
You've been ballin' since middle school and you're pretty good. Coach likes your hustle and you're a team leader. You know that basketball isn't going to be your career, so you're not going to let it dictate where you go to school. If a good academic school offers up a scholarship, great. If not, you're happy playing club or intramurals.
Height: 5'9", Stats: 14 points per game, 12 assists, GPA: 3.3
You're the key player on the team. Your teammates look for you during crunch time and you're good for at least a double-double. You've led your team to the playoffs. Maybe you've won a few games, but the big one has eluded you. A scholarship to a D-II or D-III school isn't something to sneeze at. Gesundheit.
Height: 6'1", Stats: 26 points per game, 18 rebounds, GPA: 3.1
You live in the gym. When the rest of your team goes home, you're there until the cleaning crew turns off the lights and kicks you out—how come they haven't given you a key yet? You average double digits in points and rebounds and you've lead your school to a championship game or two. We can hear the scholarships calling.