We Speak Tech
Elementary School
Because you’re never too young to start being Internet-reliant.
Shmoop’s elementary school resources will review math and writing, recap and analyze the trickiest of Seuss plots, and push way above grade level with our fun, relevant Online Courses. Our goal? To challenge precocious intellects of the Internet and do some crucial skill review before the big middle school transition. We bet you never knew how many of our products could be applied to fifth grade and below.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
More math and ELA drills than you can shake a stick at.
In-Class Curriculum 
Day-by-day lesson plans for elementary school language arts, social studies, science, and math.
Good things come in elementary packages.
Study Tools
Practice makes perfect, and these skill-drills are way more fun than mandated piano practice.
The hippest learning videos since Teletubbies.
Literature Guides
Let's face it: the best books are usually the ones written for a young audience, and we’ve Shmooped them for you free of charge.
Classic Tales
Tale as old as time…true as it can be...
Parents and Teachers
Shmoop’s got you covered with some of the best elementary education materials on the web.
Hey, Teach. This symbol means that these products are just for you: day-by-day curriculum with scripted lesson plans, direct instruction, guided practice, worksheets, videos, and more. Students won't interact directly with these courses—it's all for you.