Teaching 3rd Grade Social Studies
We are the world. We are the children.
According to this article from Time, third grade is the single most important year of a person's academic career.
Uh…no pressure, right?
Luckily, Shmoop is here for you. That's because our 3rd Grade Social Studies curriculum is the perfect double threat: standard-aligned lessons with an engaging script and fun, challenging activities that expand students' worldviews. We're like the Nutella Cronut of third grade curriculum.
Since social studies pretty much includes everything and the kitchen sink, we've pared this course down to focus on how history, economics, and geography affect culture (we know, that's still huge). Your students will explore how our past, resources, languages, and landscapes affect the way people live and thrive all over the world. They'll answer big and compelling questions along the way, like "Do our cultures make us mostly alike or mostly different?"
We won't leave you hanging, though. Each lesson in our themed units features Warm Ups, Direct Instruction, and Guided and Independent Practice, along with worksheets, assessments, answer keys, and videos to boot. Plus, get ready for a bevy of primary and secondary texts, everything from the historical fiction Pedro's Journal to a picture book written by Marshallese students, called On a School Day in the Marshall Islands.
What will your students get out of this deal?
They'll become pros at critical thinking, expository writing, public speaking, map-reading, and crafting arguments and narratives. Not to mention, they'll learn all about creating their own currency, cataloguing butterflies, and making pizza—all important skills that we promise are related to social studies.
It's a win-win for everybody.
What's in Shmoop's Elementary Curriculum?
These are year-long elementary courses with 90-day-long semesters, made up of themed, standards-aligned units. You can follow the course verbatim in its day-by-day progression, or cherry-pick specific lessons by previewing the curriculum maps and seeing which standards, skills, or texts you'd most like to teach. Courses also include teacher scripts, differentiation and extension, videos, worksheets, and answer keys.
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