
The day-to-day achievements of a radiologist are enough to make her a superhero to patients and their families. In a field that's constantly growing, there are numerous chances to become famous—depending on what you mean by famous.
If you just do the job as expected, you'll only be famous in a local legend kind of way. And don't get us wrong; that's great. It's just not red carpets-and-paparazzi-type fame.
If you want that more serious fame, just choose to research a particularly notorious killer like breast cancer or pancreatic cancer, then cure it. Or find a way to make radiation therapy more effective, with fewer side effects, and cost much less money. Take your love of technology and information and build new software or even machinery based on what you know. Major innovations equal major fame.
Being included in national "best of" medical provider lists also gets your name in the spotlight—even if, as a radiologist, you prefer the dark.