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Doing the best job they can for their clients (and their pets) will leave many pet sitters with lots of warm, fuzzy feelings. First, they'll know that they've provided some great TLC for the pet, and peace of mind for their client. The financial rewards are attractive, too, especially if they've built up a nice client list through good service and referral business.

Your job demands that you play with this adorable pup. Woe is you. (Source)

The best reward of all, though, is visiting with friendly dogs and cats. The experience somehow blunts all the garbage that lurks in the rest of their lives. Think about Felix's frantically wagging tail and all-over wriggles of joy when the sitter arrives for a visit, or perhaps Frankie's ninety-decibel purrs as he curls onto his favorite cushion for a petting session. It's moments like these when a pet sitter remembers why they wanted to be a pet sitter.