Average Salary: $230,000
Expected Lifetime Earnings: $9,602,040
You might be eating mac n' cheese for dinner, but that's only because you didn't have time to go grocery shopping this past week—and it's probably the gourmet, ultra-organic, whole-grain, not-on-sale, not-in-bulk kind of mac n' cheese.

With around $190,000 starting salary (source), myou won't be struggling to meet your rent, utilities bill, houseboat payments, and car payments. With ten or more years of experience, you'll definitely crack the $200,000 mark. And in your late career, with more than twenty years of experience, you'll make on average $230,000.
And if you're a neurosurgeon, more into splicing brains than studying them, you'll be making even more. Unlike general practitioners, earning a meager $200,000, you'll be making upwards of $395,000 (source). If you're still having a hard time finding time to cook and shop, you can just hire an army of full-time, live-in cooks.