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If you really start to make a name for yourself, there are some pretty prestigious awards for excellence in jewelry design, such as the "Academy Awards of Fine Jewelry" and also the Jeweler's Choice Awards. Those events are the best times to stick it to all the haters who thought you'd never amount to anything when you were hot-glue-gunning rhinestones onto the backs of jean jackets in middle school.

Glory is something you feel when you think you've done your job well; when you think you've achieved the influence, or the monetary gain, or the cult social media following you were hoping for. Those sorts of feels are definitely possible in this industry, especially if you're the type to have all sorts of strange feelings well up when you see a particularly shiny, glitzy, expensive piece of jewelry. 

And you probably are that kind of person, considering the line of work you've gotten yourself into. (No judgements here; we're kind of obsessed with homework and learning over here, so to each their own.)