There's not all that much glory in being a foreign service officer. The Secretary of State could manage to garner a bit..,potentially. Henry Kissinger, for example, remains one of the most respected diplomats of the twentieth century. A quick and hardly exhaustive search of Amazon reveals almost thirty books either by or about him. And as a bonus, his name is fun to say. Try it: Kissinger, Kissinger, Kissinger.

As a diplomat, you just aren't going to get the same kind of notoriety as other government agencies. The CIA, FBI, DoD, IRS, and others will always get the lion's share of the press. If you're thinking of a career as a diplomat hoping for some great headlines, you might consider another line of work. The Secretary will get plenty of press, along with one or two folks from his or her personal staff, but that's pretty much where it stops.
However, there is plenty of personal pride to be taking. You're involved in keeping international relations positive and running smoothly. You're the face of your country for countless people who come through your office. You might even meet some famous folks along the way. That's pretty cool.