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Comedy is hard. (Source)

As with any aspect of military life, glory is in the eye of the beholder.

(We wanted to say, "Glory is in the eye of the be-soldier," but it just wasn't as funny on paper as it was in our heads. Oh, I guess we said it anyway, huh?)

Anyway, glory can come in many forms for those in uniform. Some find glory in the bombing of an enemy military target or munitions factory. Some find glory escorting Air Force One to the President's meeting with a world leader/honorable soldier/potential campaign donor. Some find glory just knowing that they're part of the time-honored tradition of protecting the good ol' U. S. of A. from threats like Nazis, communists, and alien invaders.

Okay, so most of that's from the movies, but seriously. Any fighter pilot who says they weren't inspired to service by that scene at the end of Independence Day is either a liar or just plain fooling themselves.