Average Salary: $76,730
Expected Lifetime Earnings: $3,203,324
Customs and immigration inspectors make an average salary of about $76,000 (source), but that's hardly set in stone. Depending on how much education and previous experience you have, you may be eligible for a higher ranking...and a bigger slice of the pie.
With enough experience (and at least a PhD or three years of graduate school), you can make upwards of $95,000. There are also opportunities to apply for the lucrative and highly competitive Senior Executive Service Levels.
Now, we know what you're thinking: cha-ching. But it gets better. Those numbers we just crunched don't account for pay raises and overtime. Due to the Law Enforcement Availability Pay, you will earn an extra twenty-five percent of your base salary when you have to clock in for those random unscheduled hours (source). As a customs and immigration inspector, you'll be doing a lot of overtime. That means lots of extra cash (and, to be frank, a severe uptick in coffee consumption).

In addition to the base salary, you'll also get paid extra depending on where you work.
But wait, there's more: If you give twenty years of service, you'll be eligible to retire at age fifty, thanks to the Civil Service Retirement System. And if you put in twenty-five years of work, you can retire at any age you want. So, hurry up and get working—maybe you can retire in a beach house in Malibu by age forty-five.