Bucknell University

About Me
I have an affluent background with a wardrobe to match, but I'm no bourgeois snob. I've worked hard to become one of the top liberal arts schools in the country, and I'm proud to keep working hard to stay in my primo spot. I give 110% in every aspect of life.
So yeah, I work hard, but I'm never boring. Business Insider, Forbes, and Huffington Post list me as one of the top ten party schools in the country. I can basically guarantee you a good time if you like to get crazy on the dance floor.
When I'm not dancing my cares away, I'm serving up that well-rounded liberal arts experience that all the kids are obsessing over these days. Sure, I can be tough, but where's the fun in coasting along? I like a good challenge. That's why I'm famous for my engineering, business, and psychology programs.
Walk a mile in my L.L. Bean boots, and you might find you like challenges, too. Or you might find yourself lost in the central Pennsylvania boondocks. You've got GPS on your phone, right?
Bucky the Bison (Don't get it confused with Bucky Badger.) When you want to show your support, yell "'Ray!" It's tradition.
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
Body Type
I'm curvaceous, well-groomed, and petite. Okay, yes, I know that's a weird combo. My campus is small—only 445 acres—and my student body caps out at 3,500 hard-working, hard-partying students.
You know what they say: those who live together, study together, and party together...spend a lot of time together. In the winter, when most of your time is spent indoors, it might start to feel like a little too much time together. But that's what spring is for.
Current Living Situation
My freshmen live in dorms so they can get to know each other. Once they've made some friends and become sophomores, I send 'em down to Mods, which look like trailer parks but are actually the place to be. My juniors are almost disappointed when they have to move back into a dorm—though many opt to live in a sorority suite or frat house.
Seniors get to move downtown, into chic little houses and flats with hipster names like "Stoop," "Blue Moon," and "Red Brick." Even better, they're right next to all the cool downtown parties and bars. I do have some brand-new senior housing uphill, but let me tell you, walking up the hill at 2:00AM after a raucous party can be pretty bad in those winter months.
Relationship Status
I'm not so fond of Lehigh, but they've named Lafayette as their #1 frenemy and I'm not about to play second fiddle. To be honest, I don't pay much attention to how my big sports teams are doing. It's not that I don't care about sports—I just prefer intramurals to big games against other schools.
I'm pretty conservative—though, given that most of my students come from conservative families, there's a surprising amount of liberals on campus. Make no mistake, though—surprising does not mean plethora. Trump hats have been sighted, and they may have been worn un-ironically.
You should apply to me if...
you've got a bright personality, a healthy work ethic, and a strong desire to party.