Yale University

About Me
Grab your face paint and noisemakers, because Yale students are loud and proud when it comes to Bulldog pride. We know how to rally, especially around our biggest frenemy, Harvard. We've got a lot of prove, and we don't mind telling everyone just how awesome we are.
Plus, my students are performers. I've got a big theater following and even more singing groups. Get ready to hear some sweet music while you're cruising to class.
I've got so many classes, students usually have a hard time deciding what to take. When the course catalog comes out, students do something we like to call "blue-booking," or choosing among the zillions of courses offered next semester. The good news? The sheer amount of classes means they usually only have about twenty students each.
My school might be big, but it has that small-town feel.
Handsome Dan, the Bulldog. He's not just a pretty face.
New Haven, Connecticut, or Elm City as we locals call it.
Body Type
I usually carry over 5,000 students, but luckily, I've got a spacious 800-acre campus to give them room to breathe (and play golf).
Current Living Situation
My students love to live on campus. We have some pretty nice accommodations considering each hall has a dean and master living with their families in it as well. We keep things nice enough that families can actually live here comfortably. Just like at schools across the pond, like…Oxbridge.
Relationship Status
I've got it bad for Vassar College. I asked her out a while back, but she'd rather stick with herself. It's all good. I get on well with Smith College and the rest of my Ivy League buddies. Well, except for Harvard. He and I don't see eye to eye on much, so we're always bickering on the sports field.
Technically speaking, congregational ministers gave me my kickstart way back in the day (before fancy things like kickstarter even existed). Lately, I've been making it on my own. Ya know, by trying to be more inclusive of all religions and all that.
It's true...I'm liberal. And you know what? I'm completely unapologetic about it. Hey, that's the way it is. I see things with a leftist slant, and most of my students and professors do, too. In fact, they mock right-wing conservatives most of the time.
You should apply to me if...
you love to read, wear plaid, and blue Yale blue.