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Writing and Grammar
Learn to put your brain on paper.
From brainstorming to "T" crossing, Shmoop's Courses and Study Tools can make all manner of writing a breeze. Persuasive paper? Check. Creative writing? Check. SAT® essay? Check. Texting your significant other?...You're on your own.
"Do or do not. There is no try." We don't know if Yoda was a bookworm, but his advice sure applies to writing. With our Essay Labs, you won't just learn about writing—you'll actually craft your own essay as you jump headfirst into our writing safety net.
Learning Guides 
Get your grammar on without falling asleep at your desk. Review every grammar topic known to man and quiz yourself to see if you really know your stuff.
Whether it's organizing your thoughts or the nitty gritty of grammar and citation, everybody has their writing worries. In these courses, we won't just throw you an outline—you'll get intros, readings, and standards-aligned activities, to boot. Check out our COURSE CATALOG and browse by subject for more.
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