Virginia Commonwealth University

About Me
Are you tired of all those exasperated sighs whenever you drag your friends to a gallery? Maybe you'd like to be dragged somewhere for a change, preferably in a wagon you decorated yourself. If so, then VCU is the place for you. Living with me means art shows, performing arts, music, museums…my students run the gamut, so dust off your paint brushes and tune your guitars, if you will.
I'm also based right in the heart of Richmond, which has a rich history to explore. I've got everything from St. John's church, where Patrick Henry gave his super famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, to the Poe museum, where you can see Poe's writing desk. Richmond is home to enough museums to have an area known as the "Museum District." It's a total haven for history nerds.
Be prepared for the hustle and bustle of city life in Richmond, as well. Though the city isn't enormous, the downtown area is plenty busy. On the up side, it's packed with a wealth of different cultural groups. You can enjoy loads of international restaurants and experience all kinds of different cuisines.
The Ram
Richmond, VA—the City of the Monuments
Body Type
Let's talk about size. VCU is big. Maybe even gigantic. We have over 32,000 people and counting, to be specific. So put on a friendly face and practice those hand-shaking skills.
Current Living Situation
Living on campus means dorm rooms that are pretty small (I like to call them cozy), but they come with cable to help feed that reality TV addiction you've been trying to kick. There are all kinds of setups, too: singles, doubles, triples, and suites. Although, if you have a problem with heights or walking up an endless flight of stairs (some of the buildings are ten stories tall), you might want to consider off-campus row housing.
"What's row housing?" you may ask. Well, potential VCUers, the name comes from the buildings in Richmond, which are packed together tighter than barges down at the river locks.
These skinny houses were built during the Industrial Revolution (yes, the Industrial Revolution). Many have since been divided into duplexes and apartments. These are privately owned, but you can usually find some decent places to rent that won't break your bank…or your back.
Relationship Status
I have a somewhat strained relationship-turned-rivalry with my neighbors. Remember the Subway Series
between the Yankees and the Mets in 2000? Well, Richmond has something like this every year. It's called the Black and Blue Classic and it's an annual basketball game between the VCU Rams and the Richmond Spiders (from University of Richmond).
I also have some issues with Old Dominion University (ODU). Our basketball rivalry is the stuff of (internet) legend.
I'm open to just about anything.
I keep things pretty neutral. We've got all kinds of political leanings in Richmond.
You should apply to me if...
you've got "art" written all over you…preferably in tattoo ink.