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U.S. History 1877-Present 3: Social Darwinism 1438 Views
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Today we're going to learn about Social Darwinism. Originally we were going to teach you about Antisocial Darwinism, but we couldn't get anyone to talk to us about it.
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while the anarchists and communists were definitely not okay
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with the rise of industrial capitalism in the Gilded Age there were those who [anarchist and communist signs]
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just didn't see the problem with it some of these people took a shine to a
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philosophy called social Darwinism when we hear this term we sort of imagine a
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bunch of Darwin lovers pleasantly chatting about evolution while eating [Darwin lovers appear]
Full Transcript
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cucumber sandwiches and sipping tea but that's not what it's about
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in fact social Darwinism was only loosely based on Charles Darwin's idea
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of evolution well Darwin's theories tried to explain
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how life-forms slowly evolves over long periods of time like millions of years [Life forms evolving]
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like according to Darwin bugs that look like sticks are less likely to get eaten
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than bugs that look like tasty bug dinners so bugs that look more like [Bug appears as steak on a plate]
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sticks survive longer and are able to have more stick bug babies and post cute
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stick bug baby videos on YouTube but social Darwinist took the idea that [Stick insect using iPhone on leaf]
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animals with more advantageous traits were likely to survive and copied and
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pasted it onto human social relations well the idea basically went like this
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life is a ferocious battle to the death in the jungle and some genetically [Rabbits fighting]
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inferior people are just bound to lose and it's just not the problem of the
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people on top social Darwinist said that people were poor because they were not
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as smart or not as good as rich people people were poor because they just
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didn't have the skills to be rich or they just hadn't worked hard enough it [Poor man's head explodes]
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was the perfect way to justify the huge gap that existed between the rich and
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the poor during the Gilded Age picture the anarchists and the Communists
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streaming statistics about labor and poverty while the social Darwinist shrug
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and say well survival of the fittest bro one famous social Darwinist named [Man taking a bath surrounded by gold bars]
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William Sumner published a famous pamphlet that summed up a lot of these
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ideas the title was on a new philosophy that poverty is the best policy well
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it's not hard to imagine what the anarchists and communists thought of
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that here's a quote that kind of sums up summoner's ideas one man in a free state
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cannot claim help from and cannot be charged to
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give help to another well Sumner thought that any kind of social welfare system [Poor man appears and government entitlement piggy bank handed to him]
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help the poor was downright unnatural and bad for society if a rich person
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wanted to help out the poor then that was his or her prerogative but when a
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government starts putting into place programs that force this to happen and [IRS woman holding pile of cash appears]
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society is in big trouble these days all we have to do is flip on the news to see
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that people are still going at it over these issues on the one side people
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argue that the wealthy of a duty to help the poor and that when wealth gets
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concentrated at the top the rich fix the system so that it's next to impossible [Rich man throws barrels down to poor man]
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for the lower classes to climb the social ladder and if you dig into the
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news the real issue a lot of times it's just about the implementation of trying
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to lift the lower classes up that is most of them aren't stupid they're just [Poor kids stood against a wall]
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born into very difficult conditions and you don't have to fight some people
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these days channel social Darwinists like some are arguing that helping the
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poor actually hurts them why well because it encourages the poor not that
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help themselves someone who's making the room and board and bunch of other things
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for free well maybe that's okay if they just sort of stay where they are why
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would somebody want to go out and get a job if the government gives them [Poor man inside a house]
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everything they need and then of course there are people who argue that there's
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a lot of middle ground between a complete welfare state and one that
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offers no safety net at all we don't claim to know the secret answer here but
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it's important to see how these kind of debates continues for the years chances
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are that one day future schmoops will be talking about how things going on right [Shmoop robot talking to dolphin]
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now affected whatever will be going on then we're just hoping that the perks of
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working at future shmoop will include company hoverboard real ones not like [Man riding a hoverboard]
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those fake ones of weak
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