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U.S. History 1877-Present 3: Bailing out the Banks 1199 Views
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J.P. Morgan was like a money superhero. The Spendinator? Morganius Terrificu—okay we'll stop.
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This one's for all those out there who want to be respected and [Man speaking on radio]
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worshipped as financial geniuses the trick is to stop and before making any
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financial decisions ask ourselves well what would JP Morgan do that's exactly
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what the federal government did in the panic of 1907 the feds had 35 million [Man emptying money on roof]
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bucks to pour back into the failing banks to stop the panic but the Treasury
Full Transcript
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secretary wasn't sure which banks to help out so JP got on the case stat we [J. P Morgan appears with magnifying glass]
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like to thank secretary summons Morgan with a big searchlight in the sky you
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know think like Batman alright well though history may never know for sure
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how the JP summoning process went down we do know what the financial Avenger
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did get panic under control well first Morgan took a look at the books of one [Morgan picks up Trust Company of America book]
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bank the Trust Company of America and pinpointed it as the one to save then he
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oversaw the Treasury's investments in the TCA and brought the bank back from
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the brink of failure after that JP helped the Treasury secretary invest 25
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million dollars in other New York banks well at this point we're pretty sure the
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Treasury Secretary was going home and crying in his closet at night after [Treasury secretary crying with dolls]
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whipping the treasury into shape Morgan got to work on other millionaires for
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example he convinced john d rockefeller to plunk ten million dollars into the
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Stillman's National City Bank ten million bucks
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no biggie all this started too late to stop the stock market crash though but [Clock strikes on stop market crash]
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once it was rolling again on October 24th Morgan refused to let the New York
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Stock Exchange closed because he believed it would just make people even [J. P Morgan scribbling out closed sign]
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more panicky to stop the closure he called bank presidents to his office and
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told them they had to pony up 25 million dollars in ten minutes to save the stock
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exchange yep 10 minutes Morgan must have really had those [Batman holding man captive]
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presidents by the throat because they actually did it then when another panic
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bubbled up the next day he threatened another 10 million dollars out of the
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same dudes Morgan kept up with this kind of stuff for days well JP had more
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meetings with bankers in his personal library than a desperate speed dater it
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deals in wheeled wheels and flexes muscles to get more money into failing [Morgan watching American Gladiator on TV]
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companies and banks if you dad any charm he would have used that but well the
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money in the muscle and eventually Morgan and his banker [Morgan and bankers celebrate]
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buddies did end up saving the economy once things were back to normal Morgan
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was thanked for his efforts with a federal investigation into where he and
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the other bankers got so much money in power to which Morgan said that's the
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last time I'll ever help you America or something like that but they do with [Morgan throws table upside down]
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more expertise
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