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ACT Reading Videos
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the main purpose of this passage?
Author's Voice and Method Videos 10 videos
ACT Reading 1.8 Humanities Passage. Based on the tone and complexity of the passage, which of the following would be a reasonable assumption t...
Prose Fiction Drill 1.10. Which of the following best describes the narrator's attitude toward his father?
ACT Reading 1.8 Prose Fiction. Why does the author spend so much time discussing the anecdote of the old woman?
Cause-effect Relationships Videos 4 videos
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 4. Which of the following does the passage cite as a possible cause of Shakespeare's "tragic...
ACT Reading 2.6 Natural Science Passage. The health hazard mentioned in question 2 was, according to this report, a direct result of which of...
ACT Reading 2.5 Social Science Passage. According to the passage, why does Ferri believe the correctional school of criminal law is relatively...
Comparative Relationships (Compare and Contrast) Videos 9 videos
ACT Reading 1.6 Humanities Passage. Which of the following is not a similarity that the author notes between Brutus and Hamlet?
ACT Reading 2.1 Natural Science Passage. According to the passage, what is the relationship between ATSDR and the CDC?
ACT Reading 2.7 Social Science Passage. With whom does Ferri associate the corrective school of criminal law?
Draw conclusions from multiple texts Videos 1 videos
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 7. Which of the following characters is specifically mentioned as a personification of "horror and...
Generalizations Videos 10 videos
ACT Reading 2.4 Natural Science Passage. Which of the following best describes the findings of the Committee on Investigations and Oversight f...
ACT Reading 2.5 Natural Science Passage. Which of the following is not a criticism leveled at ATSDR by the Committee on Investigations and Ove...
ACT Reading 2.6 Prose Fiction. Based on the information provided in the passage, which of the following would be a reasonable assumption to ma...
Identify and Interpret Details Videos 10 videos
ACT Reading 2.9 Humanities Passage. Which famous musician did Schumann meet in 1853?
ACT Reading 2.10 Natural Science Passage. Based on information found in the passage, which of the following issues might be a case for the ATSDR?
ACT Reading 2.5 Humanities Passage. According to the passage, when did Schumann first display an interest in playing the piano?
Main Idea Videos 10 videos
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the main purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading: Natural Science Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
Make comparisons between multiple texts Videos 2 videos
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 2. What distinction does the passage make between Hamlet and Julius Caesar and the other play...
ACT Reading 2.3 Social Science Passage. In what context would you expect to see this passage?
Meanings of Words From Context Videos 10 videos
ACT Reading 2.4 Humanities Passage. Which of the following is the best definition for the word "pedantic"?
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 10. Which of the following is the best explanation of the term "tragedy of thought" in line 58?
ACT Reading 1.5 Prose Fiction. Which of the following is the best definition for the word "posthumous" in line 67?
Sequence of Events Videos 9 videos
ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 2. Which of the following statements about the circumstances of the narrator's birth is not true?
ACT Reading 1.6 Prose Fiction. What happens to the caul with which the narrator is born?
ACT Reading 2.7 Prose Fiction. How does the narrator persuade Fortunato to come with him when they meet in the street?