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Brave New World is supposed be an exciting book about a negative utopia and the corrupt powers of authority. So where’s the big car chase? What's...
What is the American Dream? Is it popularity? Or is it being content with what you have? In Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman, the American...
Their eyes may have been watching God, but we think we know who won that staring contest.
In Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour," Louise Mallard has a rather peculiar response to the news of her husband's death: instead of mourning for...
This video summarizes the plot of Brave New World from the point of view of John (you know, the “savage”). It covers the escapism, social casts...
In this memoir, Eliezer struggles with his relationship with his father during the Holocaust.
This video provides a summary of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. When George and Lennie find new work during the Great Depression, fights, frie...
Who's really the crazy one in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
We wish the Tralfamadorians were as fun as they sound. But unfortunately, they're your garden variety kidnap-humans-and-torture-them type of alien.
A great marriage begins with a blooming pear tree and ends with a hurricane, rabies, and a murder trial…or something like that.
A salesman dies—sorry to ruin it for you. But in addition to giving away key plot points in the title, Arthur Miller also liked to make some pret...
Think of this video as a how-to guide for not getting lobotomized. Practical? Maybe not. Entertaining? Um...
If you associate "night" with darkness and depression and danger…then maybe you're not the happiest person to be around when the sun goes down. B...