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AP® English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 1. The speaker would agree with all of the following statements except what?
AP English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 3. What can the "personality" that the speaker describes be characterized as?
AP English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 10. The metaphor used in lines 62 and 63 is best interpreted to mean which...
AP English Language and Composition: Comprehension 1.9
AP English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 5. The principal analogy the speaker makes in the passage is between what...
AP English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 4. In lines 41 through 45, "composed" modifies which word?
AP English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 6. The speaker's attitude toward growing up can best be described as what?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.9 Passage Drill 4. Lines 32-34 are best understood to mean what?
Which of the following best describes the theme of the passage?
Which of the following represents the best reading of lines 6–9 ("A single...on alcohol")?
All of the following arguments are made in this passage EXCEPT
The pronoun "it" (line 14) refers to which of the following?
According to lines 1–8 ("Fashion does not ... finished product"), all of the following examples are part of the fashion industry EXCEPT
Which of the following lines best summarizes the passage's overall theme?
The word "this" (line 50: "One consequence of all this…") refers to
In the last paragraph (lines 64–79), the author suggests that the primary reason Lee took so long to publish her novel was because