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Test Prep Videos
ACT English: Punctuation Drill 1, Problem 3. Is that comma being used correctly?
ACT Videos 473 videos
ACT Math: Coordinate Geometry Drill 1, Problem 1. Which inequality is expressed by the number line?
ACT Science: Conflicting Viewpoint Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. What statement would both scientists agree upon?
ACT English: Punctuation Drill 1, Problem 2. How should we format this list?
ACT Aspire Videos 268 videos
Which of the following sentences provides the best description of the events in the passage?
Lucy runs to the edge of Kensington Gardens because...
Immediately before Lucy lays her hand on her father's knee, she was...
AP Videos 1345 videos
AP Biology: Biological System Interactions Drill 1, Problem 1. Complete the sentence about a saturated fatty acid.
AP Biology: Essential Life Process Information Drill 1, Problem 1. If one parent is heterozygous for the sickle cell trait while the other par...
AP Biology: Evolution Drives the Diversity and Unity of Life Drill 1, Problem 1. The first cells on planet Earth were likely what?
AP U.S. History Videos 277 videos
AP U.S. History Diagnostic 22. Which established foreign policy was the National Security Council Report used to solidify?
Ease your tensions with this shmoopy question about détente.
AP U.S. History Diagnostic 24. How did the United States choose containment over the National Security Council Report in Latin America?
ASVAB Videos 144 videos
ASVAB Paragraph Comprehension 1.2 Summary. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this passage?
ASVAB Word Knowledge: Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of these words is closest in meaning to incoherent?
ASVAB Physical Science 4.2. Which law is this situation an example of?
CAHSEE Videos 392 videos
CAHSEE Math: Algebra and Functions Drill 5, Problem 3. Solve the equation.
CAHSEE ELA 1.1 Writing Strategies. Which of the following sentences, if placed before sentence 1, would be the most effective introductory sentence?
CAHSEE ELA 1.2 Writing Strategies. Which of the following statements is supported by details or evidence from the student's draft?
GED Videos 134 videos
GED Reasoning through Language Arts 5.3 Writing Skills. Which of the following statements provides the best assessment of the argument in Article 2?
GED Math: Expression and Equations Drill 1, Problem 1. How much do the apples cost after tax?
GED Math 1.1 Graphs and Functions. Which is the appropriate region of the coordinate plane?
PSAT Videos 113 videos
PSAT 1.1 Reading Diagnostic. The main purpose of the first two paragraphs is to...what?
PSAT 2.2 Reading Diagnostic. What is the main rhetorical effect of this phrase in the second paragraph?
Writing Diagnostic. To make the paragraph most logical, sentence 2 in the second paragraph should be placed...where?
SAT Videos 653 videos
Contemplating one's life is key to fulfilled happiness. Thoreau's theme revolves around the simple life well lived. He clearly never tried virtual...
Thoreau was all about simplicity; anything that took away from his vision was the enemy. Mechanical aids were one of them. Guess he had to train a...
TSI Videos 304 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which of the following is best to insert at the beginning of sentence 8?
Texas EOC Videos 108 videos
Can you find the important difference between "Old Mistresses Apologue" and "Suggested Husbands for Fanny Burney"? Unfortunately, the answer isn't...
Time to show off your strength like Rosie the Riveter! ....Er....sorry. Not by flexing your arms. That won't help you much with this question. Why...
Texas EOC Level II Videos 81 videos
Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Click on this link for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.