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Finance Videos
What is bankruptcy? Deadbeats who can't pay their bills declare bankruptcy. Either they borrowed too much money, or the business fell apart. They turn pockets inside-out, ping a bankruptcy judge, and then sell whatever residual value is retained in the company to the highest bidder.
Cost Accounting Videos 27 videos
What is a Cost: Cost Versus Expense? Cost and expense are pretty similar terms when looking at traditional definitions but they’re a little diffe...
How can unit fixed costs mislead the misled? Unit fixed costs can be misleading because the fixed cost per unit decreases as production increases;...
What is Differential Analysis? Differential analysis is a strategy used to make the best decision. Possible choices are compared to determine which...
Econ Videos 79 videos
What is a Production Possibilities Curve? The Production Possibilities Frontier Curve (PPF) is a statistical graphic curve that depicts the compari...
What are Income and Substitution Effects? Income effects reflects the increases or decreases in total consumption of goods and services in proporti...
How Do Companies Add Value? Companies add value by improving the client or customer experience. This can be achieved by offering better quality ser...
Finance Definitions Videos 800 videos
What is the difference between federal and state taxes? Federal taxes: the whole country. Taxes for national defense, interstate roadways, national...
What is the difference between stocks and bonds? Stocks are ownership. They control the election of the board of directors, who hires the CEO, who...
What rights does a public stockholder have? Common shareholders elect the board of directors. They vote. They have the right to quarterly financial...
Financial Responsibility Videos 957 videos
How are risk and reward related? Take more risk, expect more reward. A lottery ticket might be worth a billion dollars, but if the odds are one in...
What is par value? The notional value of a stock or bond before an offering takes place. When a company is started, founders come up with a par val...
Personal Finance Videos 957 videos
What is bankruptcy? Deadbeats who can't pay their bills declare bankruptcy. Either they borrowed too much money, or the business fell apart. They t...
What's a dividend? At will, the board of directors can pay a dividend on common stock. Usually, that payout is some percentage less than 100 of ear...
How are risk and reward related? Take more risk, expect more reward. A lottery ticket might be worth a billion dollars, but if the odds are one in...